

How Cannabidiol Cannabis Extract Helps Treat Epilepsy

Cannabidiol or CBD has many health benefits; it’s more like a wonder drug that helps to treat many ailments.  It doesn’t cause any psychoactive effects associated with cannabis. However, it’s still one of the most controversial drugs of the decade. CBD oil comes from the cannabis sativa (one of the cannabis plant that contains both…


6 Common Causes of Cavities and Tooth Decay

Cavities are among the most common dental problems across the world. They are characterized by the softening of the tooth enamel and happen due to the damage to the tooth structure. A cavity is caused by the acids that enter the mouth when plaque bacteria break down sugar. A cavity or hole in the tooth…


The Smoking Effect Cigarettes are Making Your Skin Age Faster

Smoking is said to be one of the greatest evils that is capable of doing massive harm to you. From brain damage to a variety of health complications and even harming the pets, the list of negative effects of smoking is almost endless. Yet convincing smokers to quit this harmful practice is not a very…


Shortcut to a Hot Summer Body: The Ultimate Ketogenic Diet!

In a world where beauty, fashion, and perfection are all that we ever talk about; who doesn’t want to attain that level of flawlessness? There are many ways one can get a perfect summer body that film stars and models have. However, they are so tough to continue for longer periods. How will we be…

Video of the week

ABC for Babies To Learn
