Tips to Boost Your Business Writing Skills


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Are you writing more and more content for your business? If so, this article is the perfect way to boost your business writing skills. Whether you are blogging regularly, writing sales letters, or email content, there may be some small things or a guide to become a blogger that you can apply to improve your writing.

Increase Your Business Writing Skills with 10+ Tips:

Writing is one of the most important elements for your business to succeed. You’ve probably heard about some of the business writing disasters that have happened over time and sometimes you may have even experienced a few mistakes yourself. This can be embarrassing, but it won’t be in the future if you adopt these 10+ business writing tips.

1) Make your point early on:

Before you start writing your business document, make sure that you know what it will contain and what the document is trying to achieve. If the document lacks a clear purpose, likely, the message you’re trying to convey won’t come across in a clear, concise way.

2)    Create a clear structure:

The structure of a business document should be clear and easy to follow. This means that each paragraph should serve a clear purpose and that your reader can easily identify the different sections of your document. To achieve this, make sure that your paragraphs are aligned with headings and sub-headings. Your reader should be able to spot key information at a glance by scanning through your document. It is also crucial for business dissertations. We hope you can apply these tips for dissertation writing as well.

3)    Write as if you were talking to someone:

This is a great way to get rid of extra words. If you find yourself writing “in order to,” stop for a moment and think about how you would say that phrase out loud. Would you really say “in order to?” Probably not!

4)    Use active voice:

Passive voice can make your sentences wordier than they need to be because they contain extra helping verbs and nouns. Active voice makes your sentences more concise and easier to understand.

5)    Say what you want up front:

Don’t bury the purpose of your message at the end where it may be missed by busy readers who don’t have time to struggle through poorly organized communications.

6)    Be specific and optimistic:

Avoid generalities, which tend to be dull, confusing or misleading. Instead, support your arguments with facts, details and statistics.

Be positive, upbeat and energetic in tone; this will help create a sense of optimism and urgency among your readers.

7)    Avoid unnecessary words:

Don’t include unnecessary words or phrases just because they sound good or professional; they’re only going to clutter up your sentences, making them difficult to understand by readers. Strategic use of headings can help convey important points quickly and clearly while leaving little room for misinterpretation.”

8)    Appropriate listings:

Use lists where appropriate, so that readers don’t have to comb through paragraphs of text looking for an important point or idea that you want them to take away from the document; this includes bulleted or numbered lists for emphasis or sequence (i.e., steps in a process).

Leave plenty of white space on the page, so the document isn’t intimidating or overwhelming for the reader to digest and retain information from it easily.

9)    Use simple, everyday language that is free of jargon and cliches:

People have different approaches to business writing. Some prefer to use buzzwords and jargon, while others may use a more formal tone than necessary. The problem with this is that it doesn’t translate well to your audience. Instead of using technical language or obscure terminology, you should use simple, everyday language that your audience can relate to.

10) Connect with your audience:

If you want to connect with your audience when writing for business, you need to speak directly to them by using the word ‘you’. By doing so, you will be able to get across your point better and make your message clear. This helps readers focus on what the message means for them instead of the writer (you).

11) Seek out and use diverse writing styles:

The vocabulary you choose to use should be appropriate for the audience you are addressing. A formal and very elaborate writing style will not be appreciated by readers who are looking for simple, direct, and crisp information.

12) Double-check facts and figures:

If you are writing about some statistical data or quoting someone, make sure that the facts and figures are accurate before you include them in your content. This is especially important if you are doing some business writing because inaccurate facts can create confusion among readers and reflect negatively on your reputation as well.

13) Address negative information head on in a positive tone:

It may not always be possible to present all information in a positive light; however, negative information should always be presented in such a way that it doesn’t affect the reader’s perception of the product or service being offered.


There is no way to escape writing, whether it is an email or a report. In your professional career, the quality of your writing will represent your level of professionalism. You should be able to write in a manner that conveys the correct meaning of your message and makes you come across as a smart business person.

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