Top 10 Benefits of Content Marketing (Updated 2020)


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Content Marketing Benefits
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We have all heard the phrase “Content is King” probably too many times. Some of us have an idea of how content can be utilized to attract, retain, and satisfy customers but have you ever wondered what other benefits it can offer. Why should a company think of investing in it? Well, let’s start by getting a brief idea of what content marketing is and how “content” and “marketing” add up.

What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is a marketing strategy aimed at providing valuable, reliable and consistent information to attract potential and retain existing customers. Blog content creation is a top priority for 53% of marketers, according to the State of Inbound report. The content written targets a defined audience and is created to influence clients to purchase decisions. Content marketing is not something new; it’s being used by some of the world’s leading companies like P&G, Microsoft, Cisco Systems, and so on. Smaller companies also realized its importance ever since it started gaining momentum.

Although social media marketing has taken the world by storm content marketing must always stay a priority. Besides, SEO benefits, you need an effective content strategy to nail PPC programs, execute successful PR strategies and drive inbound traffic. Content marketing not only adds value to your business, but it also manages to beef up your brand’s reputation so, that it could earn a credible name. Websites, especially small startups, hold skeptical views about its long term benefits. But there is no need to worry as this blog has been specially created to list numerous benefits which content marketing holds.

  • Enhanced Search Engine Visibility

All the content created and uploaded on the websites page gets indexed by Google. A greater quality will provide your page with more significant opportunities to increase rankings in Google’s SERP’s. Make use of long-tail keywords and follow all relevant guidelines to make your content speak quality, value and authenticity. With increased search engine visibility, boost more traffic on your website.

  • Drives more Conversions

Companies that focus on incorporating advanced content marketing strategies consistent with their brand generate 6% more conversions as compared to a brand that don’t. Many digital marketers stay reluctant towards deploying content marketing in their plans as they are skeptical about its benefits. A considerable amount of capital, time and resources go into crafting content that results in generating leads. However, companies must examine their perks in great detail as it always pays off.

  • Build Brand Awareness

When you curate quality blogs, articles or posts, intending to engage your target buyers by showcasing your products and services, you create brand awareness. Anyone wanting more details on a particular product can help themselves by just visiting your website and reading a blog on it. If any customer is confused between, let’s say two products, a product review entailing all beneficial features can solve their confusion in no time. Brand awareness is one of the most prestigious advantages of content marketing, hence leverage from it as much as you can. Some content writing services can help to hire professional writers.

  • Elicits Trust among Audience

When you prioritize your audience, they prioritize you in making purchase decisions. Your content can do wonders. Not only it aims at providing fruitful information about your brand, products or services to your customers, but it can also convert them into brand advocates. It would help if you established a strong bond with them for this reason. Try creating content that speaks value, creativity and ingenuity of your brand. That caters to all your customers’ queries, offering them with factual brand knowledge and meeting all their expectations.

  • Assist your Buyers through their Buyers Journey

If customers are given a great amount of assistance through their buyer’s journey, chances are they will come back for more. Offering a great experience and making the entire shopping experience happening is the key to winning their hearts. Every customer’s buying experience is slightly different from others. First, they need to secure themselves aware of the brand, then with the product.

After this, they search for different alternatives, analyze them and then move towards the buying process. Now, this is your duty to make this entire process easy for them. Therefore, develop content by keeping your audience in mind to help to guide towards making a purchase decision more quickly.

  • Content Marketing is Cheap

Unlike any other marketer, content marketing is relatively cost-effective. It doesn’t involve hefty budgets for running promotional campaigns or for executing expensive advertisement plans. Content marketing is relatively cheap because it is all online, plus professional writers are easily available through websites offering content writing services.

 In fact, according to research conducted by content marketing institute, content marketing tends to cost 62% less than outbound marketing. Isn’t crazy it? I believe any digital marketing who has not availed the perks of content marketing is bound to lose its name.

  • More Social Media Following

Posting on social media website helps your brand get the sort of exposure it always wanted. Social media is great for increasing a brand following and spreading a positive word of mouth. It allows the content to get shared among users creating user-generated data. Now, user-generated data helps to spread brand awareness, provides useful insights and helps to create positive feedback from your audience. Posting your blogs on social media will bombard your brand with positive views and a massive amount of following.

  • Allows you to Strike Meaningful Conversations

Another great perk of content marketing is that you cannot ignore that fact that it will enable you to connect with your audience on a personal level. You can start a meaningful conversation with your user before they make a purchase. In fact, according to a demand gen report, around 47% of buyers read 305 blog posts before they engage themselves in making a sale. Thus, ensure you make the right first impression by creating quality content which grabs your reader’s attention in no time.

  • Encourage more Lead Generation

Content marketing has proved to generate more leads and sales. As it allows more shareability on various platforms, a brand has access to more audience. Moreover, with its optimization perks, you can leverage from boosting more traffic to your website, becoming more recognizable among the masses.

According to CMI’s digital marketing content, 72% of marketers have claimed that content marketing has increased engagement. Hence, strike up a conversation on your website when a customer visits you. Keep them hooked on your page by developing content which is interesting, useful and valuable.

  • It Works for any Industry

Content marketing is fit for any kind of industry. It’s an effective marketing tactic that can be utilized by any kind of digital marketer working in any industry. From the tech industry to automobile to digital to retail, it is well suited for all. The main idea behind successfully implementing it is by finding the right topics that best speak to your audience.

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