Creating Content That Search Engines Love: Article Ideation Tips for Bloggers


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Today, a blogger’s primary focus is on how to get ranked up on top search engines. With many tips and tricks available on the internet, the best technique to use is creating a well-researched SEO marketing plan filled with high ranking keywords that’ll make your content stand out. We will provide you with all the knowledge you need to make your blog SEO orientated and get a better ranking. In addition, this small guide will help your boost your B2C and B2B content marketing plan.

Types of SEO Content

To make your article or blog standout, you first have to decide which kind of SEO content you wish to use. There are four main types of SEO content you can use to target your blog to the right audience.

Branded SEO Content

Many bloggers nowadays focus on highlighting popular brands in their content. For example, at typeaparent, you will come across many articles that have a brand linked somewhere in the content. Wondering how that’ll help? Many people consider linking out to other sites a disadvantage to your blog, but search engines reward this action. Search engines love when articles provide links to useful web pages. This also signals to other sites that you are an active part of the web; others may also start providing links to your blogs on their content too. However, don’t do it too much or you can be penalized for spamming.

Non-Brand Commercial

Non-brand commercial content may sound pointless, but the results will make you realize the importance. By highlighting brands, you will be restricted to getting traffic of the particular keyword. However, non-branded commercials focus on keywords that are broader in nature. These keywords will bring you immense traffic and reach. For example, instead of targeting NIKE sneakers, you could write jogging sneakers. This will widen your target audience calling out readers interested in all brands of sneakers.

Non-Brand Editorial

Non-brand editorial content is a piece that gets published by a third-party. Editorial content helps you build the credibility of your brand without showing any sign of promotion. In this competitive market, it isn’t that easy to convince customers to consider your products. By getting your informational blogs posted by third parties, you will be able to reach out to a new audience and create a better relationship. A great example can be seen in L’OREAL’s article posted by a third party that is focused on providing information to its readers.

Informative Content

Apart from all the other types, a great way to get ranked on search engines and generate traffic by posting an informative or creative blog. The blog post can have high-quality content, infographics, slideshows, interesting cases, etc. If you know how to use the magic of words, this type of content should be a piece of cake for you.

Types of Keywords

After we know which kind of content to move forward with, the second important factor that needs to be thought about is the type of keywords that’ll best suit your piece.

•      Commercial Keywords

If you are focusing on directly targeting your audience to generate leads, you can go with commercial keywords. For example, “black basketball shoes.” With the help of this commercial keyword, the traffic you will generate will be strictly keyword based. You won’t find people reading your article who have no interest in these types of shows. This helps your marketing strategy to be more condensed and keyword orientated.

•      Editorial Keywords

On the other hand, you could also use editorial keywords to generate a higher number of readers and target a broader market. For example, “Which type of shoes are best?” This keyword will attract all web surfers who are interested in reading about shoes.

Search engines have always shown their love for editorial keywords that lead to non-branded editorial content. If we talk about Google, this search engine is always thirsty for high-quality content that provides useful information to readers.

Keyword Research

To boost your ranking, you also have to go through effective keyword research, by handpicking all the terms and words that’ll make your article or blog attractive to web crawlers. To initiate the comprehensive keyword research, you can follow our useful steps:

1.    Identify the Target Markets

One of the first questions you should ask yourself before writing an article is, who your target audience is. The target audience can be determined by focusing on segments like age, gender, profession, location, etc.

2.    Identify Keywords for Each Market

After finalizing your target market, you have to start keyword research. The best keywords are those that are ranked better. Apart from this factor, you also have to keep an eye on the level of competition on the keywords. Some words are high in competition, so it becomes difficult for new blogs to compete with market leaders.

3.    Use Keyword Research Tools

Tools come in handy with keyword research as they provide with the numbers you are searching for. With keyword research tools you can get the search volumes, competitiveness and similar keywords you can use. ­­- A faster way to start your SEO campaign.

Free Vs. Paid Tools

When you start looking for the best keyword tools, you’ll come across many paid and free ones. It doesn’t matter which one you choose, as long as they offer you the necessary features. While selecting the best keyword research tool, look for the following features:

  • The number of keyword results
  • Keyword difficulty scores
  • Search trends For Primary Keywords

Keyword Oriented Content

All your keyword research and planning will only come in to effect if you use these words accurately in your content. Many writers believe that keyword stuffing will bring them higher rankings, no it won’t! Many SEO specialists consider 2-5% keyword density perfect for articles. You could abide by the following tips to avoid keyword stuffing.

1.    1-2 Main Keywords per Page

According to your keyword research, you should have a list of keywords which you can grade according to their level of importance. Focus on adding only one or two primary keywords on every page.

2.    Use LSI Keywords

Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) keywords are a list of words that are related to your topic. These words, however, aren’t similar or synonyms of your main keywords. This tactic will surely help you boost your ranking and avoid the dangers of keyword stuffing.

3.    Longtail Keywords

A great strategy to avoid getting caught up with keyword stuffing is by using longer phrases instead of single keywords. These keyword phrases will target your particular audience and also protect you from going past the policies set by Google or any other search engines.


To sum it up, if you want your blogs to rank better, you have to focus on planting the right seeds in your content. With the help of useful keywords, your blogs will surely attract web crawlers to analyze your content and rank your page.

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