6 Common Causes of Cavities and Tooth Decay


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Cavities are among the most common dental problems across the world. They are characterized by the softening of the tooth enamel and happen due to the damage to the tooth structure. A cavity is caused by the acids that enter the mouth when plaque bacteria break down sugar.

A cavity or hole in the tooth is also the result of the loss of mineral from the enamel. If left untreated, these small holes can grow more prominent over time and damage the whole tooth. When cavities reach to advance stages, nerves in the tooth get exposed bringing pain and discomfort with eating or drinking.

Here are some of the major causes of tooth cavities and tooth decay –  

1. Sugary, Sticky Foods and Drinks

The regular consumption of sugary, sticky foods and beverages are among the major causes of tooth decay. The more one consumes sugar; the more acid will be produced in the mouth leading to a higher risk of decay.

The sugar you consume will combine with plaque bacteria in the mouth to cause a formation of acids, which then can weaken the enamel and increase the chances of tooth decay. Whenever you eat or drink something sugary, you put the teeth at risk of the cavity.  You can reduce the intake of sugar and minimize the resultant risks. 

2. Poor Oral Hygiene 

Poor oral hygiene is among one of major causes of tooth cavities. When someone does not brush their teeth regularly, he/she allows more plaque to form in the mouth, which in turn can attack the tooth enamel. Not taking proper oral hygiene means increasing the risk of tooth decay as the plaque then will start damaging or destroying the teeth over time.

When you brush regularly, floss, rinse and clean the tongue daily, it does not let plaque to build so chances of cavities are avoided or minimized greatly. So, follow proper oral hygiene and stay away from the dangers of cavities.

3. Plaque Formation  

Plaque formation and cavities are linked. Your teeth will always be in danger if they are coated with a plaque or surrounded by the white flak containing millions of bacteria in it. You should know that plaque is formed when food particles, bacteria, saliva and acid come together in the mouth.

The plaque, if not cleaned or removed professionally, can adhere to or around the teeth, and it can build up as well over time. The acid in plaque then can start weakening the enamel of the tooth which eventually leads to tiny holes at first, which can grow in size over time.  

4. Dry Mouth 

Dry mouth is one of the causes of cavities. The saliva in our mouth is chiefly responsible for washing away all the food particles, bacteria and plaque stuck between the teeth. When your mouth is dry, it means there is a lack of saliva or very little saliva in it. So, plaque will find a free hand to build up rather rapidly causing cavities. To avoid this problem, drink plenty of water throughout the day and try to stay hydrated. You can also prevent certain foods and drinks like alcohol, tea, coffee, soda, tobacco etc. to avoid the problem of dry mouth. 

5. Bacteria and Acid

Not all bacteria in the mouth are harmful. Millions of them exist in the oral cavity, some on the tongue, some around the gum lines and between the teeth, which can prove harmful over time.

These bacteria can digest the carbohydrates on the teeth and mouth to form acids. And we know acids are responsible for causing cavities. It’s therefore essential to take oral hygiene more seriously than you do take so that the growth of bacteria can be countered, and the plaque formation can be prevented along the way.

6. Medical Problems

Some underlying medical problems may also lead to cavities, so it’s essential to consult the dentist and know the reason behind tooth decay in you. Bulimia and some type of cancer treatments, and use of some medications may also become a cause of tooth decay.

Health problems where acids secretion is quite common can also lead to cavities. It’s therefore essential to consult dentist Bushwick in a timely manner and stay away from the risk of tooth decay over time.

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